The List

Thursday, October 14, 2010

#980 Music that automatically plays on a web page

By all means, put music on your site, especially if your site is music-related. But let's be humane here; make the music playback contingent on the user's push of a 'play' button. There's no need to have it start up automatically, scaring the H-E-double-hockey-sticks out of us and embarrassing us when our volume happens to be raised and we're in a public setting.

Not only is this surprisingly scary when your volume happens to be turned up, but it's also slightly annoying. God forbid you ever need to actually use this site to find information and there's no way to stop the music. If the MIDI ringtone-sounding music playing on the site isn't good in the first 30 seconds, it sure as hell won't be good after half hour of searching through the site for the information you need. If you're going for the "I don't care if people can concentrate on the information that I took the time to put on this site" attitude, then go ahead and kick out the incessant tuneage on your site.

It's just slightly annoying.

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