The List

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

#834 Eating or drinking after brushing your teeth

Smile now, you won't be soon.

You want to ruin the taste of something you love? Clean your teeth first. Mission accomplished.

My personal least favorite combination with toothpaste? Orange juice. Bleh.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

#835 The Duck Hunt dog

For those of you who lived under a rock during the 90s, the Duck Hunt dog is your best friend, picking up ducks that you shoot down. He's also your worst enemy, blatantly laughing in your face every time you fail to hit a bird. If you even want to call him a friend, you can call him that one friend that you never really want to hang out with.

This dog's owner clearly never taught it manners or sportsmanship. People (and dogs) of the world, it's generally construed as rude to laugh at someone's failure in their face.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

#836 Sweating through a shirt

If you ever want to feel self conscious, go ahead and arrive somewhere important after having trekked through the heat in your gray shirt.

There's nothing like arriving to your job in a shirt that is no longer the same color because of all of your body sweat. You gotta love taking a seat in class wondering how gross people think those stains on your shirt are. Walking seemed like such a good idea! Lesson learned.

Find yourself some air conditioning and don't move for about 15-20 minutes. Your visible sweat stains might just go away, leaving you wondering if that dry sweat is emitting the terrible odor you've begun to smell everywhere.

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

#837 Having to ask to go to the bathroom in school

Bathroom passes are great to let
the world know you've been allowed
to use the restroom.
Thankfully, this really changes after high school. It's pretty ridiculous to think that we let teachers tell us when we were "allowed" to use the bathroom. This part of the school system is absurd and almost degrading to an extent.

If I want to go to the bathroom, I'm leaving and going to the bathroom, and no one is going to tell me that I can't because "somebody else is already using the bathroom." What a funny reason to not let allow someone to go to the bathroom. I forgot that schools only had one bathroom and it was a unisex bathroom that only one person could use at a time.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

#838 Snorers

Snoring can really suck, but never for the snorer. The funny thing about snorers is that they always get the best night of sleep out of anyone in the bed and/or room. You'll lay awake for hours, pondering how that noise could possibly be coming from a human. It's like someone is doing construction work in your bed. They'll sleep through the night, playing in dream land.

I know what you're thinking when a snorer is keeping you up all night. I assure you that smuggling the snorer with a pillow until they stop snoring is not a good idea.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, June 13, 2011

#839 Seeing the bus pull away as you approach the bus stop

Let loose that sigh of dissapointment and grab a seat, you'll be waiting a while.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

#840 When you're with someone who's having a text conversation with someone else and they leave their text ringtone on

Nobody wants to hear your phone make any noises over and over again, let alone the same noise over and over again. It's a little rude, don't you think? You see all of those eyes on you? They don't belong to happy people. Put it on vibrate and stop forcing the world to acknowledge every time you get a text.

It's just slightly annoying.