The List

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

#826 Unknowingly leaving something destructive or fragile in your pocket before sending pants through the washing machine

Markers, pens, chapstick, money, important notes, electronics. If it's slightly valuable to you or it's slightly destructive when washed, you can bet that it will end up in the washing machine in the pocket of a favorite pair of pants of yours. It's fine, you can still where them, that ink blotch is totally "in" this year.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

#826 When the hand dryer in the bathroom turns off before your hands are dry

Not much needs to be said here, because this happens 100% of the times you need to dry your hands with in a bathroom with only hand dryer machine things. I'm all for going green, but I miss the paper towels in the bathroom.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, September 19, 2011

#827 When your wallet is uncomfortably thick

Seems like this shouldn't be a problem, right? If having too much money in your wallet is an uncomfortable problem, then I'll be uncomfortable all day, every day.

Let's not kid ourselves though. For most of us, our wallets aren't thick from too much cash. It's probably all those "buy ten, get one" free cards, it's those credit cards that need to be paid off, it's the several forms of ID, it's the insurance card, the business cards. Usually, anything but cash.

The more you accumulate, the thicker your wallet gets, and the more uncomfortable it is to sit on it. You'll have a permanent lean towards whatever pocket your wallet isn't in. One of your butt cheeks might even be a little sore after a long dinner.

It's okay though, when you get that free sandwich for spending over a hundred bucks at that fast food joint, it will be worth it.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

#828 Stubbing your toe

It's such a stupid and embarrassing way to hurt yourself. No matter what you stub it on, it's ultimately your fault for not watching where you were walking. It usually doesn't hurt enough to be extremely painful really annoying but hey...

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, September 12, 2011

#829 The elusive booger

This booger is the master of elusiveness. This little guy clings to dear life when you start digging around and gets out of harms way when the tissue comes out. Maybe if we could spend more time picking our nose in public, we'd have less elusive boogers to constantly bug us and we'd live a little more peacefully.

Sure, even with that booger chilling there, you can breathe well enough. You can tell yourself it's no big deal, you'll forget about it. But you'll always feel that elusive booger, slightly blocking your nasal passage. Get angry, get aggressive, get that booger and obtain freedom. Breathe deep and enjoy your victory and the fresh air.

It's just slightly annoying.

Friday, September 9, 2011

#830 Having to restart your computer after downloading an update

Thanks for the update but interrupting what I was doing to force a restart is not cool. Sure, I could "restart later," but then I don't get my updates, so that's only a bittersweet victory over the update-restart combination.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

#831 Having to pee during hide and seek

You've got the best hiding spot. You'll never be found. Eventually, the seeker will have to call out that he gives up and you will jump out with a big grin on your face. You, my friend, are the king of hide and seek.

But what's this? It can't be. You just got into hiding position a moment ago. Why is this happening? You, the king, have the same kryptonite that all hide and seek players have. A weakness that no man or woman will ever conquer. A weakness that will undoubtedly reveal your amazing hiding spot to the world. You have to pee.

There are two ways that you can save a little bit of grace in this scenario.
1) Get out of your hiding spot quickly so when you're caught, your great hiding spot isn't revealed. It's just you, looking stupid (and possibly doing the pee dance) in a terrible open spot.
2) Wear a diaper and don't leave your spot. Problem solved.

It's just slightly annoying.

#832 Finding an employee in a supermarket to help you find something

The only thing harder than finding that thing you were looking for is finding someone to help you find that thing you're looking for.

Does anyone else consider asking a random person who looks like a supermarket veteran to help you find the unfindable?

It's just slightly annoying.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

#833 The phantom phone vibrate

Anything? Nope.
The phantom phone vibrate is the common occurrence when you feel your phone vibrate but discover that it did not vibrate at all. You have no alerts, texts, emails, nothing.

This wouldn't be too annoying if it didn't happen a few more times sometime soon after the first time. This occurrence never happens just once. You will feel the disappointment and the slight annoyance many a time before your phone is done playing tricks on you.


It's just slightly annoying.