The List

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#841 Trying to find your spot or your people at the beach

Just look for your out-of-shape parents. Just look for your beach chairs. Just look for your guy friends who are acting like idiots. Just look for your girl friends that are laying out, catching some rays. Oh wait, everything is the same on the beach.

Even after hanging out in your claimed spot, you're bound to lose track of where you posted up after going for a leisurely walk down the beach.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 23, 2011

#842 Getting out of the parking lot after a concert or sporting event

You know you can walk faster than you'll be moving in your car. In fact, hey, there's someone walking faster than your car right now. The pros will park near exits of parking lots, but sometimes it's just not an option. It happens. And when it does...

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

#843 Being put on a cell phone's speakerphone

Maybe if these things came with
cell phones, we wouldn't encounter
this slight annoyance.
It's often unnecessary and always impossible to make out what's being said.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

#844 Texting with greasy fingers

Your phone cringes when the waiter
brings your greaseburger out.
Greasy food and texting don't really mix. Go nosh on some fries while you text a buddy. Even if you're texting correctly with no big problems, you still can't feel good about the grease that's very clearly being smeared all over your screen or keyboard.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#845 When cashiers ask you for your email address

I'd rather not be emailed three times a day with "unbeatable" tri-daily deals. My mailbox is cluttered enough from other spam mail. I know you might be fired for not asking me for my email address, Ms. Cashier Lady, so I'll cut you some slack, but honestly, take the hint from the rolling of my eyes or blatant dirty look I give you when you ask for my email address.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 16, 2011

#846 Adjusting to a new phone

Phones are getting crazier and crazier. Coincidentally, they're also getting awesomer and awesomer.

The learning gap between your old phone and new phone can be really difficult at times. For a while, you'll feel like your parents using a phone, lost and confused over the simple things. Grit your teeth and bite your tongue as "experienced" users of your new phone butt in and say "here, let me show you what to do." We all know that's a blow to the prideful nature in all of us.

Embrace the futuristic phones but be prepared to feel like an idiot.

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

#847 When your skin starts to peel before the vacation is even over

The one downside to chillaxin' and vacationing in the sun is the dry itchy skin and peeling that comes from tan and sunburn. The upside to this downside is that it usually doesn't happen until after the vacation. No one wants to be itching and peeling during the vacation itself. Sometimes, your body (or maybe the sun) jumps the gun a little.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#848 Being itchy after having laid on the grass

Whether it's lounging around in the grass on a sunny day or it's rolling around playing with your puppy, the same aftermath will always occur. The itchiness starts off in just one spot and it's no big deal. Soon, the itch will somehow overcome multiple other body parts until you can't stop itching and scratching all over. It will become impossible to sit still. Was this experience just slightly exaggerated? Perhaps. However...

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

#849 Typing a capital i followed by a lower case L

It doesn't come up that often, but when it does, it's a bit hard to distinguish between letters. It comes up most in texts when people forget to use apostrophes or phones don't automatically insert them.

"Ill be right back." See the problem?

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 9, 2011

#850 Toilets with a weak flush

You never know what's going in there. Toilets, you need to hit the gym more. Flushes should be strong and confident. There should be no doubt that whatever is going in the toilet is getting flushed down. I don't want to have to stare at the toilet after I flush to make sure the job is getting done.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#851 Stepping in gum

You know it the second you do it and you're faced with a rather disgusting choice. Do you pick off the used gum that may have been frying in the sun all day? Or do you just let it be and feel the stickiness in every other step you take? It's a lose-lose situation.

Gum throwers of the world, stop throwing your gum on the ground!

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

#852 Having something in your shoe

A tiny pebble, a thorn, part of your shoe lace, really anything that's not your socked foot. Try to ignore it all you want, shake that foot around, go ahead, but you know that you're going to have to stop what you're doing and fix the situation.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 2, 2011

#853 Pop-Tart crust

Ah, Pop-Tarts, the snack that many of us have grown up on as a kid. Your cinnamon sugar filling has always satisfied. Your strawberry goo has never let us down. How much time was spent, mouth salivating as we stared at the toaster oven waiting for you to cook, we will never know. It's a shame you were just a bit flawed. It's a shame you had to bite through the dry flavorless crust to get to your flavorful center. We tried avoiding the problem, we really did. Breaking the crust off really cut your surface area down quite a bit and it also took 30 seconds of our mornings that could have been spent watching cartoons. We'll still stand by you, Pop-Tarts, but it's time to lose the weight and cut the crust handles.

It's just slightly annoying.

...but thanks for the awesome breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack, Kellogg's.