The List

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

#826 Unknowingly leaving something destructive or fragile in your pocket before sending pants through the washing machine

Markers, pens, chapstick, money, important notes, electronics. If it's slightly valuable to you or it's slightly destructive when washed, you can bet that it will end up in the washing machine in the pocket of a favorite pair of pants of yours. It's fine, you can still where them, that ink blotch is totally "in" this year.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

#826 When the hand dryer in the bathroom turns off before your hands are dry

Not much needs to be said here, because this happens 100% of the times you need to dry your hands with in a bathroom with only hand dryer machine things. I'm all for going green, but I miss the paper towels in the bathroom.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, September 19, 2011

#827 When your wallet is uncomfortably thick

Seems like this shouldn't be a problem, right? If having too much money in your wallet is an uncomfortable problem, then I'll be uncomfortable all day, every day.

Let's not kid ourselves though. For most of us, our wallets aren't thick from too much cash. It's probably all those "buy ten, get one" free cards, it's those credit cards that need to be paid off, it's the several forms of ID, it's the insurance card, the business cards. Usually, anything but cash.

The more you accumulate, the thicker your wallet gets, and the more uncomfortable it is to sit on it. You'll have a permanent lean towards whatever pocket your wallet isn't in. One of your butt cheeks might even be a little sore after a long dinner.

It's okay though, when you get that free sandwich for spending over a hundred bucks at that fast food joint, it will be worth it.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

#828 Stubbing your toe

It's such a stupid and embarrassing way to hurt yourself. No matter what you stub it on, it's ultimately your fault for not watching where you were walking. It usually doesn't hurt enough to be extremely painful really annoying but hey...

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, September 12, 2011

#829 The elusive booger

This booger is the master of elusiveness. This little guy clings to dear life when you start digging around and gets out of harms way when the tissue comes out. Maybe if we could spend more time picking our nose in public, we'd have less elusive boogers to constantly bug us and we'd live a little more peacefully.

Sure, even with that booger chilling there, you can breathe well enough. You can tell yourself it's no big deal, you'll forget about it. But you'll always feel that elusive booger, slightly blocking your nasal passage. Get angry, get aggressive, get that booger and obtain freedom. Breathe deep and enjoy your victory and the fresh air.

It's just slightly annoying.

Friday, September 9, 2011

#830 Having to restart your computer after downloading an update

Thanks for the update but interrupting what I was doing to force a restart is not cool. Sure, I could "restart later," but then I don't get my updates, so that's only a bittersweet victory over the update-restart combination.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

#831 Having to pee during hide and seek

You've got the best hiding spot. You'll never be found. Eventually, the seeker will have to call out that he gives up and you will jump out with a big grin on your face. You, my friend, are the king of hide and seek.

But what's this? It can't be. You just got into hiding position a moment ago. Why is this happening? You, the king, have the same kryptonite that all hide and seek players have. A weakness that no man or woman will ever conquer. A weakness that will undoubtedly reveal your amazing hiding spot to the world. You have to pee.

There are two ways that you can save a little bit of grace in this scenario.
1) Get out of your hiding spot quickly so when you're caught, your great hiding spot isn't revealed. It's just you, looking stupid (and possibly doing the pee dance) in a terrible open spot.
2) Wear a diaper and don't leave your spot. Problem solved.

It's just slightly annoying.

#832 Finding an employee in a supermarket to help you find something

The only thing harder than finding that thing you were looking for is finding someone to help you find that thing you're looking for.

Does anyone else consider asking a random person who looks like a supermarket veteran to help you find the unfindable?

It's just slightly annoying.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

#833 The phantom phone vibrate

Anything? Nope.
The phantom phone vibrate is the common occurrence when you feel your phone vibrate but discover that it did not vibrate at all. You have no alerts, texts, emails, nothing.

This wouldn't be too annoying if it didn't happen a few more times sometime soon after the first time. This occurrence never happens just once. You will feel the disappointment and the slight annoyance many a time before your phone is done playing tricks on you.


It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

#834 Eating or drinking after brushing your teeth

Smile now, you won't be soon.

You want to ruin the taste of something you love? Clean your teeth first. Mission accomplished.

My personal least favorite combination with toothpaste? Orange juice. Bleh.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

#835 The Duck Hunt dog

For those of you who lived under a rock during the 90s, the Duck Hunt dog is your best friend, picking up ducks that you shoot down. He's also your worst enemy, blatantly laughing in your face every time you fail to hit a bird. If you even want to call him a friend, you can call him that one friend that you never really want to hang out with.

This dog's owner clearly never taught it manners or sportsmanship. People (and dogs) of the world, it's generally construed as rude to laugh at someone's failure in their face.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

#836 Sweating through a shirt

If you ever want to feel self conscious, go ahead and arrive somewhere important after having trekked through the heat in your gray shirt.

There's nothing like arriving to your job in a shirt that is no longer the same color because of all of your body sweat. You gotta love taking a seat in class wondering how gross people think those stains on your shirt are. Walking seemed like such a good idea! Lesson learned.

Find yourself some air conditioning and don't move for about 15-20 minutes. Your visible sweat stains might just go away, leaving you wondering if that dry sweat is emitting the terrible odor you've begun to smell everywhere.

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

#837 Having to ask to go to the bathroom in school

Bathroom passes are great to let
the world know you've been allowed
to use the restroom.
Thankfully, this really changes after high school. It's pretty ridiculous to think that we let teachers tell us when we were "allowed" to use the bathroom. This part of the school system is absurd and almost degrading to an extent.

If I want to go to the bathroom, I'm leaving and going to the bathroom, and no one is going to tell me that I can't because "somebody else is already using the bathroom." What a funny reason to not let allow someone to go to the bathroom. I forgot that schools only had one bathroom and it was a unisex bathroom that only one person could use at a time.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

#838 Snorers

Snoring can really suck, but never for the snorer. The funny thing about snorers is that they always get the best night of sleep out of anyone in the bed and/or room. You'll lay awake for hours, pondering how that noise could possibly be coming from a human. It's like someone is doing construction work in your bed. They'll sleep through the night, playing in dream land.

I know what you're thinking when a snorer is keeping you up all night. I assure you that smuggling the snorer with a pillow until they stop snoring is not a good idea.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, June 13, 2011

#839 Seeing the bus pull away as you approach the bus stop

Let loose that sigh of dissapointment and grab a seat, you'll be waiting a while.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

#840 When you're with someone who's having a text conversation with someone else and they leave their text ringtone on

Nobody wants to hear your phone make any noises over and over again, let alone the same noise over and over again. It's a little rude, don't you think? You see all of those eyes on you? They don't belong to happy people. Put it on vibrate and stop forcing the world to acknowledge every time you get a text.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#841 Trying to find your spot or your people at the beach

Just look for your out-of-shape parents. Just look for your beach chairs. Just look for your guy friends who are acting like idiots. Just look for your girl friends that are laying out, catching some rays. Oh wait, everything is the same on the beach.

Even after hanging out in your claimed spot, you're bound to lose track of where you posted up after going for a leisurely walk down the beach.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 23, 2011

#842 Getting out of the parking lot after a concert or sporting event

You know you can walk faster than you'll be moving in your car. In fact, hey, there's someone walking faster than your car right now. The pros will park near exits of parking lots, but sometimes it's just not an option. It happens. And when it does...

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

#843 Being put on a cell phone's speakerphone

Maybe if these things came with
cell phones, we wouldn't encounter
this slight annoyance.
It's often unnecessary and always impossible to make out what's being said.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

#844 Texting with greasy fingers

Your phone cringes when the waiter
brings your greaseburger out.
Greasy food and texting don't really mix. Go nosh on some fries while you text a buddy. Even if you're texting correctly with no big problems, you still can't feel good about the grease that's very clearly being smeared all over your screen or keyboard.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#845 When cashiers ask you for your email address

I'd rather not be emailed three times a day with "unbeatable" tri-daily deals. My mailbox is cluttered enough from other spam mail. I know you might be fired for not asking me for my email address, Ms. Cashier Lady, so I'll cut you some slack, but honestly, take the hint from the rolling of my eyes or blatant dirty look I give you when you ask for my email address.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 16, 2011

#846 Adjusting to a new phone

Phones are getting crazier and crazier. Coincidentally, they're also getting awesomer and awesomer.

The learning gap between your old phone and new phone can be really difficult at times. For a while, you'll feel like your parents using a phone, lost and confused over the simple things. Grit your teeth and bite your tongue as "experienced" users of your new phone butt in and say "here, let me show you what to do." We all know that's a blow to the prideful nature in all of us.

Embrace the futuristic phones but be prepared to feel like an idiot.

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

#847 When your skin starts to peel before the vacation is even over

The one downside to chillaxin' and vacationing in the sun is the dry itchy skin and peeling that comes from tan and sunburn. The upside to this downside is that it usually doesn't happen until after the vacation. No one wants to be itching and peeling during the vacation itself. Sometimes, your body (or maybe the sun) jumps the gun a little.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#848 Being itchy after having laid on the grass

Whether it's lounging around in the grass on a sunny day or it's rolling around playing with your puppy, the same aftermath will always occur. The itchiness starts off in just one spot and it's no big deal. Soon, the itch will somehow overcome multiple other body parts until you can't stop itching and scratching all over. It will become impossible to sit still. Was this experience just slightly exaggerated? Perhaps. However...

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

#849 Typing a capital i followed by a lower case L

It doesn't come up that often, but when it does, it's a bit hard to distinguish between letters. It comes up most in texts when people forget to use apostrophes or phones don't automatically insert them.

"Ill be right back." See the problem?

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 9, 2011

#850 Toilets with a weak flush

You never know what's going in there. Toilets, you need to hit the gym more. Flushes should be strong and confident. There should be no doubt that whatever is going in the toilet is getting flushed down. I don't want to have to stare at the toilet after I flush to make sure the job is getting done.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#851 Stepping in gum

You know it the second you do it and you're faced with a rather disgusting choice. Do you pick off the used gum that may have been frying in the sun all day? Or do you just let it be and feel the stickiness in every other step you take? It's a lose-lose situation.

Gum throwers of the world, stop throwing your gum on the ground!

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

#852 Having something in your shoe

A tiny pebble, a thorn, part of your shoe lace, really anything that's not your socked foot. Try to ignore it all you want, shake that foot around, go ahead, but you know that you're going to have to stop what you're doing and fix the situation.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, May 2, 2011

#853 Pop-Tart crust

Ah, Pop-Tarts, the snack that many of us have grown up on as a kid. Your cinnamon sugar filling has always satisfied. Your strawberry goo has never let us down. How much time was spent, mouth salivating as we stared at the toaster oven waiting for you to cook, we will never know. It's a shame you were just a bit flawed. It's a shame you had to bite through the dry flavorless crust to get to your flavorful center. We tried avoiding the problem, we really did. Breaking the crust off really cut your surface area down quite a bit and it also took 30 seconds of our mornings that could have been spent watching cartoons. We'll still stand by you, Pop-Tarts, but it's time to lose the weight and cut the crust handles.

It's just slightly annoying.

...but thanks for the awesome breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack, Kellogg's.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

#854 Youtube commercials

It seemed like only a matter of time before Youtube was monetized in this fashion, but come on, let's not ruin a good thing.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

#855 Underpopping the bag of popcorn

If you peek into the bag and see this,
you've done something terrible wrong.
There's a feeling of failure and disappointment when you open the bag of popcorn you just made only to find way too many kernels unpopped. You underpopped the bag. You failed to turn those caterpillars into butterflies and now you have to live with the consequence.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. You enjoy gnawing on those kernels. Most of us do enjoy a kernel or two, but definitely not a kernel or 30.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

#856 Not being able to pick your nose in public

We've all seen people hunting for treasure when they thought no one was looking. Is your initial reaction disgust? It might be, but I bet in the back of your mind, you're thinking, "man, I bet that's gonna feel good when that nose is all cleaned out." If that's not what you think, I bet you will now. Wouldn't it be nice to ease your breathing by any means necessary, even if you were in public? Humans have invented all types of tool, but sometimes, a finger is the best tool of all.

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, April 25, 2011

#857 Running while wearing a schoolbag

Note: This slight annoyance
knows no boundaries.
Let's face it, nobody looks cool when they run with a schoolbag on. It awkwardly bangs against your back and shifts your weight in  perfectly awkward proportions to make it look like your running with some sort of mental deficiency. You should definitely avoid getting in the scenario where you need to run with a schoolbag. Maybe you're better off missing the school bus but retaining some dignity, but in the end, you gotta do what you gotta do.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

#858 When tape gets stuck to itself

Yeah, we're slightly annoyed at you for doing your job correctly, tape.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

#859 When the power flickers off and on and all of the clocks flash 12:00

Thanks for nothing, clock.
When the power flickers off and on, it's usually not too big of a deal...except for that one thing. What is that again? Oh. Right. Every clock and its mother is now blinking at you to remind you that it's no longer doing its job and it needs you to fix it. 12:00! 12:00! 12:00!

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, April 18, 2011

#860 When guys put girls on their shoulders during concerts

Dear "that guy," we
strongly dislike you.
Remember the progression of man? Well these guys are setting us back, one concert at a time. Come on guys, let's use our brains. Would the people behind you rather see the concert that they probably paid to see or the back of the girl on your shoulders who's drunkenly flailing around and screaming? Stop ruining the show boys.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

#861 Tolls

Sure, I'd love to have absolutely no say in giving up money to drive on a road. And I'd definitely love to get caught in traffic that tolls create. Great, grand, wonderful, thanks.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

#862 Push doors that look like pull doors

This is just blatantly trying to
confuse us.
Store owners must do this on purpose to watch people embarrass themselves. Why would you need a place to grip if it was a push door? You don't. I've seen multiple people actually give up when they couldn't open a push door by pulling it. Humans may be smart, but sometimes we need a little about a "push" sign?

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, April 11, 2011

#863 People who talk loudly during the movie

"I will come back there and punch you
and your little friend square in the face."
Don't ruin the movie by adding your own soundtrack. For real. Jerk.

It's just slightly annoying.

Friday, April 8, 2011

#864 People who change their Facebook name to their first and middle name

If you don't want your own friends to be able to find you, you nailed it. If you want people to be slightly annoyed with you, you nailed it. Nobody really calls you by your first and middle name, why change it on Facebook?

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

#865 When a car is driving too slow on the highway and you have to turn off cruise control

It's hard to get into a good consistent rhythm on the highway. When you finally get that open strip of highway in front of you, it's pretty exciting. Get that speed up to just the right place, hit the cruise control button and enjoy the ride.

As you cruise along, eventually you'll notice a speck on the edge of the horizon that's getting bigger and bigger. Yeah, you know what's about to happen. It might be a patch of traffic or it might just be one car. Whatever it is, it's definitely going slower than the speed that you're cruising at. Tap that break, turn off the cruise control, say goodbye to smooth sailing and hello to this slight annoyance.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#866 When your paper doesn't reach the minimum requirement after double spacing it

Double spacing is awesome. It's the greatest confidence booster than can possibly come out of writing for hours on end. The anticipation builds as you finish your paper, knowing the magic you're about to pull of. One click and boom, you've reached the minimum requirement and more.

So what happens when the magic doesn't work?

Click. Wait a second, what's going on here? Not cool. You can't possibly be expected to write more than you already wrote! You counted your single spaced pages, doubling that should have been enough! Well, the pages don't lie, but come on, you know what to do. Fix up those margins. Make those periods a font size bigger. Widen the spacing between those letters. If none of that does the trick, it's time to get those fingers busy typing. When double spacing magic fails us....

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

#867 The sound of a construction vehicle or truck backing up

What, your beeping didn't help you here?
Truck drivers love to back up. They really do. If they are driving construction vehicles, they will love to back up really early in the morning. I would like to meet the person who made these beeps a necessity.

Who ran into the back of a truck because it wasn't constantly beeping when it was in reverse?

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, April 4, 2011

#868 Automatic toilets that flush before you're done using them

Hey toilets, what's your hurry? Just because you're all sophisticated and automatic doesn't mean you get to flush whenever you want. Do you have somewhere to be? Maybe a hot date later?

And besides, you're scaring the h-e-double hockey sticks out of us when you randomly flush on us.

It's just slightly annoying.

Friday, April 1, 2011

#869 Being near someone with the same name as you

Hello, my name is "unoriginal.
Need I say more? This constant confusion leads to a constant let-down as you discover that no, there's nobody calling your name.

It's just slightly annoying.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

#870 Rose thorns

Why were roses chosen to represent all that they do? Nothing says love and affection like painfully cutting your finger and bleeding all over the place.

Let's substitute roses for dandelions and not pay a hundred bucks for a few dozen of them.

It's just slightly annoying.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#871 Shoelace knots

How does a beautiful bow turn into an ugly knot anyway? It's like a beautiful butterfly turning back into an awkward caterpillar. It's even worse knowing that even though the creation of this knot isn't your fault, you're the one that has to deal with it.

It's just slightly annoying.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

#872 Walking into a public bathroom to find that the toilet you get stuck at wasn't flushed

I'm sure we've all seen some pretty terrible things because of the people in the world who don't deem it necessary to flush. If you have kids already or when you do have kids, it wouldn't be a bad idea to venture into the bathroom first and do some scouting.

How hard is it to pull that little flusher?

It's just slightly annoying.

Monday, March 28, 2011

#873 Ruining your snow angel when you stand up

Ah, a fresh coat of snow. Perfect snow angel making weather and conditions greet you as you step outside. Before you leap into snow heaven, you should keep in mind that the creation of a snow angel means you'll need to remove yourself from within your own creation. Removing yourself from your snow angel is a very delicate process. One wrong step and your wing is disfigured forever. All that hard work for nothing!

It's not easy to keep your angel in pristine condition. You have to get up slowly, making sure to not place your hands on either side of the angel. Once you're standing inside of your snow angel, you can't just walk away, that would be too easy. You have to make a leap away from the angels insides to avoid leaving awkward footprints too close to your angel. If you've successfully done this, congratulations, you made yourself a good looking snow angel. Let's be honest though, how often do you actually take the time and care to do all this? Yeah, I thought so. That's why your angel has feet coming out of its feet.

It's just slightly annoying.

Friday, March 25, 2011

#874 Overly powerful sinks

Overly powerful sinks are the source of much embarrassment. We should be rewarded for washing our hands! Being sanitary is good! Instead, overly powerful sinks splash everywhere, causing a wet mess all over the place. These wet spots will of course end up all over your clothes, leaving you walk into the social world with wet spots all over your pants. You see those people looking at you, whispering and giggling? Yeah, they're talking about the wet spots all over your pants, you pants wetter. 

My advice? Get some time in with the hand dryer. Get to know it really well. It may be the only way to save yourself from the embarrassment this sink has caused you.

It's just slightly annoying.