The List

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#880 Peer reviews

There's so many potential peers to
review with, how exciting.
Teachers love to force cooperation in the classroom. It's not so bad sometimes, but it's almost always bad when the forced cooperation is peer reviews. Peer reviews usually consist of you reading a paper on something you don't care about whatsoever and offering superficial feedback to your "peer" who wrote it. This feedback usually consists of generic phrases like "good intro," "strong writing," "I liked the third paragraph," or "neato, good job."

I've heard the "we're preparing you for the real world, when you'll have to work with people you don't know" reasoning behind assigning peers to review each others papers, but let's be real here. Assigning group work, ehh, that kind of makes sense at least. Making a "peer" read a paper that they couldn't care less about, not exactly productive.

It's just slightly annoying.

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